An algorithm for enhancement of audio content classification

Arti V Bang, Radhika G. Purandare, Archana K. Ratnaparkhi


Presently, fast proliferation of information enforces novel challenges on content management. Further, computerized audio classification along-with content description is considered as valuable method to manage audio contents. In general, classification involves two steps. First, is the processing of accessible data in economical ways to deliver explanatory features. Second is how accurate features of undetermined tests is evaluated to choose classifier. In this paper, k-neighbor algorithm with machine learning is proposed for feature extraction as well as content classification/description. This algorithm enhances Quality of Service parameters of classifiers. Here, development of training as well as testing data set is developed to increase the classifier accuracy. A test engine set-up bed using simulation tool MATLAB is designed to estimate the implementation performance of the algorithm. A range of features are studied to evaluate effectiveness in terms of accuracy, zero crossing rate (ZCR) and spectral roll frequency. From the experimentation results, it is observed that the proposed algorithm can achieve accuracy of 95.8% for 2 sec window length as compare with k-neighbor algorithm. A total enhancement of 11% is achieved with cross validation error of 29.6. A superior assortment of training fabric to extract few additional useful features can enhance accuracy further.


Accuracy; Audio; Quality of service; Spectral roll frequency; Zero crossing rate

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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI)
ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).