Improve power quality of charging station unit using African vulture optimization algorithm

Saleh Masoud Abdallah Altbawi, Saifulnizam Abdul Khalid, Ahmad Safawi Mokhtar, Rayan Hamza Alsisi, Zeeshan Ahmad Arfeen, Hussain Shareef, Mehreen Kausar Azam


In recent years, there is growth in acceptance to consume fewer fossil fuels globally and the manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs) has become more popular. However, the increase in the number of systems connected to the grid that contain EVs with a huge power capacity leads to unstable working in the power system. To assess the stability of the electric charging station several control approaches in AC part and DC parts during charging mode and discharging modes are tested. African vulture optimization algorithm (AVOA) has been utilized to tune the system controllers (proportional integral derivative (PID)/tilt integral derivative (TID) controllers). The superiority of AVOA is confirmed by comparing the performance with the genetic algorithm (GA). Two objective functions have been used i.e. integral time absolute error (ITAE) and integral square time error (ISTE). AVOA-tuned TID controllers using ISTE were found to be the best to contain the frequency deviations. The results have shown of the AC part and DC part is within an acceptable limit recommended by IEEE standard. Further, maximum peak overshoot, undershoot, and settle time obtained by AVOA-tuned PID and TID controllers are found the best. Finally, the improvement of the performance index obtained by AVOA over its counterpart GA is confirmed.


African vulture optimization algorithm; Charging station; Converter; Electric vehicle

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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI)
ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).