Design and implementation of linear quadratic regulator control for two-wheeled self-balancing robot
Leonardus Gilang Buana Putra, Faisal Wahab, Tua Agustinus Tamba
This research aimed to develop a control system for a self-balancing robot (SBR) based on the mathematical model of an inverted pendulum on a two-wheeled cart. The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control was implemented to maintain the SBR’s balance under normal conditions. A linearization approach was used to convert the dynamic model into a linear form, enabling the application of LQR. Testing was conducted through simulations and a physical SBR prototype equipped with an MPU6050 sensor and NEMA 17 motor. The test results demonstrated the effectiveness of the LQR control in maintaining the SBR’s balance and its responsiveness to disturbances. Although there are differences between the simulations and physical implementation, the system successfully maintained the SBR’s balance. In conclusion, the use of the inverted pendulum mathematical model and the implementation of LQR control successfully produced a stable and effective control system for SBR balance. By testing various values of the LQR parameters, optimal robot control parameters can be obtained.
Inverted pendulum; Linear quadratic regulator; Mathematical model; Self-balancing robot; Simulation
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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI) ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285 This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU) .